Russia DVB-T2

Russia DVB-T2
Russia DVB-T2

Russia DVB-T2

three multiplexes, soft launch in March 2012.

DVB-T2 Russia
DVB-T2 Russia map

A Russian governmental commission has approved the use of the DVB-T2 standard for the development of digital terrestrial TV in Russia, as proposed by the Ministry of Communications. The digital terrestrial TV network is currently being tested out in the Tver region. New regional networks will be deployed under the DVB-T2 standard and existing DVB-T networks will be upgraded to the new standard.

Together with the deployment of the DVB-T2 networks, pilot zones for emergency warning systems using DVB-T2 will be set up in the following areas: Primorye (Vladivostok), Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk), Kaliningrad (Kaliningrad), Kursk (Kursk), Tatarstan (Kazan), Sochi, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Russia completes DVB-T2 transition

Russia launches DVB-T2

DVB-T2 and the future of digital broadcasting

Russian DVB-T2 service launched with Thomson Broadcast transmitters and its partner

DVB-T2 Russian Channel List

update sooon

Russia Car DVB-T2

DVB-T2 antenna

DVB-T2 USB Dongle

Android DVB-T2

DVB-T2 Tablet

DVB-T2 Phone

DVB-T2 antenna

Home DVB-T2

Russia DTV Link

Thailand DTV Link
Thailand DTV Link


Russia DVB-T2 Factory

DVB-T2 Factory
DVB-T2 pabrika