TV għall-karozzi

tv għall-karozza

Many people hope to have a TV for the car, Do you like watching TV in your high-speed car?  May your children or passenger want to have a real-time TV to remove the boring time in the car. issa VCAN DVB-T2010HD inti tista 'toffri aktar 80 kanali tv, inklużi aħbarijiet ħajjin, isports, movies, eċċ.

TV għall-karozzi

Vcan has below TV system to meet your requirement.

1. HD DVB-T FTA receiver for Europe.

2. HD DVB-T receiver with CI reader for the Netherlands.

3. Car DVB-T2 for Ukraine, Russja, Tajlandja.

4. Car ISDB-T with B-cas for Japan

5. ISDB-T HD for South America

6. ATSC u ATSC-MH għall-Amerika. If you can not confirm which TV system is in your local, jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tikkuntattjana.    

watch tv in car
watch tv in car

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