Russia launches Match TV

Russia launches Match TV

Russia launches Match TV

Russia launches Match TV

The new sports channel TV has made its debut in Russia.

According toVedomosti, its first day broadcast schedule was changed as November 1 was declared a national day of mourning following the Russian passenger plane crash in Egypt.

Match TV, which is on air for 24 hours daily and aimed at viewers of all ages, is owned by Gazprom-Media and employs a frequency formerly used by Rossiya 2.

Among the sports it covered on the first day were basketball, ice hockey, Russian football and Formula 1.

Russia launches Match TV
Russia launches Match TV

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1. Awor e Aporte DVB EN T / DVB en T2 + Haltu Calidad.

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Russia launches Match TV
Russia launches Match TV
Russia launches Match TV
Russia launches Match TV

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