Kif biex jaqbdu fajl Trasport Stream? Fuq 1 soluzzjoni

Kif Qbid fajl Trasport Stream?

trasport Stream (TS), is a standard digital container format for the transmission and storage of audio, vidjo, and Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP) data.[3] It is used in broadcast systems such as DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, ATSC, and IPTV. Transport stream specifies a container format encapsulating packetized elementary streams, with error correction and synchronization pattern features for maintaining transmission integrity when the communications channel carrying the stream is degraded. Transport streams differ from the similarly-named MPEG program stream in several important ways: flussi programm huma disinjati għal medja raġonevoli affidabbli, bħal diski (like DVDs), while transport streams are designed for less reliable transmission, namely terrestrial or satellite broadcast. aktar, nixxiegħa trasport tista 'ġġib programmi multipli.

For more details, jekk jogħġbok ara Wiki,

Why need to Capture the Transport Stream file? Sometimes clients complain that the TV receiver has a problem. Pereżempju, ebda ħoss, ebda kanal, missed a channel, awdjo, and video NOT synchronized, eċċ. L-aħjar soluzzjoni hija li tibgħatilna TS (fwar trasport ) fajl, li fajl għandu inkluża l-informazzjoni kollha minn xandiriet televiżivi diġitali lokali. we can test in the factory lab, u joffru inti upgrade softwer.

Kif biex jaqbdu fajl Trasport Stream?

1. Jekk jogħġbok żgur li inti għandek l-hardware DVB-T2U

How to capture Transport Stream file? Top 1 solution 1
DVB-T2U, a device that can capture Transport Stream file

2. In order to get a good tv signal, it is better that you can connect your local cable tv signal instead of a small antenna.

3. Assure that DVB-T2U is working well and getting a good tv signal.

  1. agħfas Ctrl + shift + alt + DFl-istess ħin
capture transport stream

5. Il-monitor se juri twieqi speċjali

TS Capture

6. Agħżel DVB-T2U

7. Ikklikkja Stream Qbid

8. ikklikkja OK

9. Nistenna għal 2 minuti.

10. You will find the *.TS file on my computer>dokumenti tiegħi>TVR>qbid>

Capture TS file

11. Jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna *. fajl TS.

Xi mistoqsijiet, jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li Ikkuntatjana.

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