РЦА видео сплитер 1 до 5 Ауто канални РЦА видео сигнала побуђивач и сплитер за 12В А-100

RCA composite CVBS Video Splitter 1 видео улаз, 3-5 видео излаз, in-Car Channel RCA Video Signal Booster and Splitter For 12V A-100, the connector of the video input or o output can be customized. We used stronger power IC chipset, when the power supply is over 30V in the car or the truck, it will stop to work to protect the pcba, it will be working well if the power supply is slow down under 30V.

RCA Video Splitter with strong video signal booster

RCA Video Splitter
RCA Video Splitter with five video output
1 input 3 output
CVBS composite video splitter with three outputs.

РЦА Видео Сплиттер Дистрибуција Видео Сигнал Боостер Видео Појачало за ДВД дистрибуцију аутомобила РЦА А-100


RCA Video Splitter 1 to 5 Car Channel RCA Video Signal Booster and Splitter For 12V A-100 7

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Or buy it at https://vc48.com/p/video-splitter/

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